Friday, October 28, 2011

Keysha Koy is Krafty...

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the day with an old, dear, talented friend of mine.  Anytime I am able to share some time with a strong, independent woman, my spirit is altered and renewed.  This particular righteous mama happens to be an amazing glass blower, and I had a great time photographing her work.  Here are some of my favorite pictures of a day well spent:

Keysha Koy worked a pendant for me so I could photograph the process she goes through to create each unique piece, and it was truly awe inspiring.

The art of glass blowing, in my opinion, is so exciting to watch.  Besides the fact of having to wear super dorky glasses in order to save your eyes from the light of the flame; watching this work of art come into fruition is nothing short of impressive.

Thanks Keysha for a most relaxing, rejuvenating day!  For anyone interested in checking out Keysha's work and other finished products, visit her facebbok page at:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When there are no kids around......

my husband and I can get kinda bored.  I had this vision of us on our motorcycles, in the nude, displaying our body art.  Armed with some free time, a sheet, tripod, and a remote we set out materialize my vision.  After an hour of readjusting the tripod/angle, lighting, and our bodies....I was pretty happy with the results. Over the years Ben (my husband) has grown accustom to my obsessive nature, my need to do it over and over again until I am happy with the finished product.  He was definitely a trooper for this, and all in all it turned out to be quite a fun day in the garage for us.
      My satisfaction with this photo session inadvertently led me to blogging.... out of fear that these shots were too much for facebook (fb) to handle, I let them linger in a folder on my laptop.  Everyday Ben would log onto his fb page from the other room and yell "Why didn't you post those pictures?"  He was obviously anxious to share these with the cyber world.  After two weeks I reluctantly posted them to my photography page ( on fb.  Within twenty four hours I was contacted by fb, my pictures were removed, and I was told to read about what constitutes pornography.  This photo in particular was flagged:
I was starting to feel creatively stiffled by fb, and decided that the world of blogging may be a more apporpriate place for expressing myself.  I never considered myself much of a writer, so if you bare with me....I hope my photos speak for themselves